
Solomon Mikowsky:
In Memoriam


包括在本杰明·塞弗的书里 美国最想要的钢琴教师 and cited as “one of the world’s most sought-after artist teachers” (Dean Elder, Clavier, U.S.), Solomon Mikowsky was renowned for his “magical ability to develop his piano students into artists” (Sur Exprès, France).
米可夫斯基的学生在the Arthur Rubinstein competition in Tel Aviv (3 prizes, including 1st); Beethoven in Bonn (1st prize); Santander (1st prize); Schumann in Leipzig (1st prize); the Tchaikovsky and Richter international competitions in Moscow; China International in Beijing (2nd and 3rd prizes)伊丽莎白女王在伦敦; Dublin in Ireland; José Iturbi in Valencia (2 1st prizes), 巴塞罗那的玛利亚运河(31个一等奖), Premio Jaén, (2 1st prizes), 皮拉尔·巴亚纳在萨拉戈萨(一等奖), Joaquín Rodrigo (1st and 3rd prizes), Guerrero in Madrid  (2 1st and 2 2nd prizes), José Roca (1st and 3rd prizes), Cidade de Ferrol (1st and 2nd prizes), Ibiza (2 1st prizes), Infanta Cristina (1st and 2nd prizes), Carlet (5 1st prizes),Compositores de España (1st prize and Best performance), and Marisa Montiel (1st prize), in Spain; 葡萄牙的维亚纳达莫塔和波尔图; Andorra (2 1st 以及艾丽西亚·德拉罗查奖)法国的勃朗峰和普朗克; 德国钢琴奖(1)st prize);瑞士伯尔尼钢琴奖Marsala, Rina Sala Gallo, Monza, 意大利的塞尼加利亚; Panama (4 1st prizes); Art Livre (1st 和里约热内卢音乐节(1个)st prize),  in BrazilIgnacio Cervantes (1st and 2nd prizes) in Cuba; Viña del Mar in Chile; Montreal in Canada; 肖邦·科希丘什科(4项一等奖)费城的星之星(2个一等奖); 哥伦比亚大学肖邦比赛st prize), 查帕瓜交响乐团914大赛(一等奖)南密苏里州(第一名);Houston Symphony (1st prize), 大都会乐团(1)st Prize), Bergen Philharmonic (1st 《火博体育》(1)st prize), in New Jersey; Hartford Symphony (1st prize) in Connecticut, 辛辛那提世界大赛(第一名); 新奥尔良(第一名); Cleveland, Gina BachauerConcert Artists Guild, Hilton Head, 明尼苏达国际钢琴电子比赛; 国际音乐会艺术家,Artists International, New York International Piano Competition, Murray Dranoff和Fischoff奖, and the Manhattan School of Music Concerto competition (more than 40 winners),in the USA; 以及吉尔莫艺术家奖, 吉尔莫青年艺术家奖, 亚瑟·鲁宾斯坦奖和舒拉·切尔卡斯基奖, the Avery Fisher Career Grant, and 3 Grammy Award nominations.
Mikowsky students have joined the faculties of Manhattan School of Music (11, 包括两位联席首长), 茱莉亚学院(2), and Mannes College in New York (3); Chicago College of Performing Arts; the Central (3), China, Harbin, Xi’an 厦门音乐学院, 北京的中国国际音乐学院, 以及上海的FaceArt音乐学院, in China; National Taiwan University of the Arts and Taipei National Education University in Taiwan; Ewha, Seoul National, Yonsei (2) and Catholic universities in South Korea; Kronberg Academy and Hans Eisler Hochschule in Berlin; Royal Conservatoire of Scotland; Bydgoszcz Academy of Music in Poland; Conservatorios Superiores de Música of Salamanca, Tenerife, Canarias, 加泰罗尼亚和巴斯克地区(Musikene),  塔拉戈纳的维拉塞卡音乐学院, 和鲁道夫·哈尔夫特音乐学院(马德里), in Spain; the Royal Conservatory of Scotland; Ankara University in Turkey; Eastern Mediterranean University in Cyprus; University of the Philippines; Bard College of Music, New York University, Brooklyn College, 皇后区纽约州立大学科普兰音乐学院, College of Staten Island at City University of New York; Rutgers University, Northwestern University, 德克萨斯基督教大学, 东卡罗莱纳大学, 加州大学伯克利分校, University of Alabama, 西雅图西北国际音乐学院, Ithaca and Fredonia colleges at the State University of New York, Irvine Valley College, 中密苏里大学, Georgia College, 乔治亚州米利奇维尔的州立大学, 纽约城市学院, 芝加哥的优秀音乐学校, and Yale University, in the USA. 


米可夫斯基的学生在《火博体育》中有特写, Centaur, Chandos, Decca Classics, Deutsche Gramophone, Lawo Classics, Ibs, Myrios, Naxos, SONY, Telarc, 和施坦威唱片公司. 他们曾在波士顿乐团担任独奏家, Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Minnesota, New York, Philadelphia, 和旧金山交响乐团.S. and with the Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Vienna, Prague, London, Paris, Budapest, Madrid, Moscow, St. Petersburg, 阿姆斯特丹(Concertgebouw音乐厅), Zürich Tonhalle and Israel Philharmonic Orchestras in Europe and the Middle East, 在像阿迪斯这样的著名指挥家的指挥下, Barenboim, Bychkov, Dudamel, Eschenbach, Fischer, Järvi, Jurowsky, Masur, Mehta, Maazel and Petrenko. They have also been guests of the Aspen, BBC Proms, Blossom, Bowdoin, Bravo! Vail Valley, Caramoor, Edinburgh, Jerusalem, La Roque d’Anthéron, 林肯中心主要是莫扎特, Ravinia, Salzburg, Santander, Saratoga, Tanglewood, 韦尔和韦尔比耶的夏季节日.


Solomon Mikowsky, 出生于古巴,父母是波兰人, 他的早期训练是在csamar psamrez Sentenat那里接受的, 和Joaquín宁一起在巴黎学习的人, 莫什科夫斯基的学生(李斯特的学生). Awarded scholarships by the Cuban government and the Juilliard School, he continued his studies in New York with Sasha Gorodnitzki, foremost pupil of the legendary Russian virtuoso Josef Lhevinne, receiving BM and MM degrees from Juilliard and completing his studies with a doctorate from Columbia University. A contributor to Américas (Journal of the OAS), The Piano (South Korea), and Piano Artistry (中国). 米可夫斯基也在 钢琴家/老师的后记 by Donald Isler (link), in Our Piano Era by Liu Ye (link), and in “普遍自愿” by Mario Cremata Ferrán, as well as an interview by Justin Bischof (link). 他的博士论文, 伊格纳西奥·塞万提斯和十九世纪的古巴舞蹈, has been published in English by Lambert Publishers and in Spanish by Ediciones Boloña  (link).

Mikowsky was a member of the juries of innumerable international competitions and has directed his 国际钢琴节 在西班牙、法国和古巴(Havana’s 钢琴演奏Jóvenes), with the participation of his students as soloists with the symphony orchestras of Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in Spain, and the National Symphony and Mozarteum orchestras in Cuba.  Mikowsky is the recipient of the Institute of International Education Cintas Award and a Doctor Honoris Causa 获得哈瓦那大学学位.


He has taught and given master classes at the leading conservatories in Moscow (Tchaikovsky), St. 彼得堡(Rimsky-Korsakoff), Warsaw (Chopin Academy), 慕尼黑(音乐学院), Cracow, 布达佩斯(李斯特学院), 伦敦(皇家学院和皇家学院), Paris, Leipzig, Halle, Rotterdam, Venice, Bologna, Arezzo, Sulmona, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Tenerife, Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, Ankara, Sidney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, Xiamen, Harbin, Taipei, Kaoshiung, Taichung, Tainan, Manila, Jakarta, Seoul, Kang-Nung, Cheju, Singapore, Tokyo, Osaka and Pretoria.


A Steinway artist and former Professor of Music Education at Columbia University, 米可夫斯基还曾在茱莉亚学院预科学院任教, New York University, 费城艺术大学, and at the Chicago College of the Performing Arts at Roosevelt University. Mikowsky is a longtime member of the artist piano faculty at Manhattan School of Music, where he is recipient of the President’s Medal for Distinguished Service. The school also celebrated his pedagogical contribution with an anniversary concert in his honor, MSM网站介绍的7套 Mozart’s Twinkle Variations 他和他的47名学生(回顾) here), and a 3-hour concert featuring Mikowsky and 75 of his students performing in A Birthday Celebration!  (review here).

听米可夫斯基演奏第一奏鸣曲.7 in D Major I. Adagio by Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785), and Italian Concerto, BWV 971 II. 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫的行板(1685-1750) here.

The 所罗门·米可夫斯基演奏厅 was inaugurated in 2010 and expanded in 2018 in conjunction with the school’s centennial (philanthropy.) The adjacent Gallery and Studio feature the many prizes and awards won by his students throughout his teaching career. 所罗门·米可夫斯基的钢琴教学遗产 by Kookhee Hong (reviewbuy) has been published by Lambert Publishers and is also available in Spanish (Editorial Boloña)Chinese (SMPH), and in Korean (Musica di Pianoforte).

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